Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sandakan Curry House

Located in Mile 4 around and find it yourself ^^;;

Teh Tarik Ping..I like my ping, it was a HOT day

Roti Canai

Or if you want an extra kick or aroma and fat get Roti Planta!

Opt for Roti Pisang if you want something sweet

This is really nice~~

Roti Tisu..I love the Tisu here the best of ALLLLL places, it's crunchy and you can eat it like a snack

I can only eat this much Roti but there are ALOT of Roti types available too

Besides Roti, their other dishes are also delicious

Something you can eat with your Roti - Curry Fish

You may even choose any curry displayed on the ..display thingy (idk what you call it!)

Nasi Goreng Kampung (This is the not-so-hot version I requested)

Raisin Rice with Curry Chicken and Tepe(?not too sure about the name) Tempeh

A closer look at the Tempeh (compressed and fermented soy beans)>>thanks to chongerin for the info!

^ These are actually ordered from the display thingy I was talking about too


1 comment:

chongerin said...

it's "tempeh" :) (compressed and fermented soy beans)