Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Penang Food Centre

Tried and tested due to popular demand..
Located in...Bandar Ramai Ramai (?-i stayed so long in sdk but still gets confused with Malay & Cantonese names of places -_-;;)

Penang Food Centre

Sap Chau Mee (Wet Fried Mee) with seafood - taste like normal but nice kind of normal


Ikan Bakar - A must if you eat at this shop?...yes yes..besides you will be attracted to order it when you smell it from your seat

woo~ It's the dry type of Ikan Bakar, if it is wet i shall eat it with one big bowl of rice

My favourite...!!! Sotong Goreng..I love love lovethe curry powder they put in <33 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjzj91BiUaGOwx9WXJL9dfqn3IC7aShVhjKtAYZFsUR2rwzJwtOWT7mA525vW_ohm1QyG-KZWGoQ4WqrcY2EadYedzt1hNi8XdhVo9hoyyL0aIkmTkofT8RqUOqCABhGVLAsa272sxDhcmO/s1600-h/IMG_2377.jpg">

1 comment:

Antony Lim said...

actually, penang this restaurant is a chinese restaurant lar... wakak~