Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kedai Kopi Shamrock

Located in Indah Mile 4
Kinda easy to find but kinda easy to pass it without noticing it too~

Tho i will have to say that their drinks are a litttttle different from most shops

Guess what is this....Cane water (Air Tebu)

Apparently they added some extra herbal stuff so the colour is a bit different from what you see in normal Air Tebu ...i still prefer the original Air Tebu but hey it's something new!

Kit Chai Ping

Honestly i was shocked to see this colour because...just because!
It's not the normal Kit Chai Ping i used to drink..and for a second i thought i ordered the wrong thing...and it's sour..not my favourite..hmm..maybe for sour loving people

Ngau Lam Mihun...

Minced Meat Mee Soup

Try the food, drinks...beware of what you order ;)
Tho the food itself didnt really leave a deep impression on me, and there are not much choices of food for you to try ...


1 comment:

Unknown said...

The chau keu teow with clams in shamrock used to be real nice. Haven't been there for long time. Not sure how it taste now. Maybe you could give it a try and let me know.